2015年5月14日 — Navigate to the newly extracted Tor Browser directory. Right-click on start-tor-browser.desktop, open Properties and change the permission to ...
Right click on start-tor-browser.desktop , open Properties or Preferences and change the permission to allow executing file as program. Double-click the icon to ...
When you start Tor Browser, you will see the Connect to Tor window. This offers you the option to either connect directly to the Tor network, or to ...
... Tor Browser directory and launch Tor Browser from the command line by running: ./start-tor-browser.desktop --verbose. or to save the logs to a file ...
Tor Browser for Android is the only official mobile browser supported by the Tor Project, developers of the world's strongest tool for privacy and freedom ...
Tor Browser, free and safe download. Tor Browser latest version: Protect your privacy while using the internet. Tor Browser is free and open-source so.